The Syrian Supreme Court sentenced seven human rights defenders (photos below) to between five and seven years' imprisonment on 17 June 2007 for allegedly taking part in a pro-democracy discussion group and publishing articles on the internet which criticized the lack of democracy and freedom in Syria.
Tareq Al-Ghorani (21) and Maher Ibrahim Isber (26), were sentenced to seven years imprisonment and Husam Mulhim (22), Allam Fakhour (29) Ayham Saqr (31), Omar Al-Abdullah (21), Diab Siriyeh (21), to five years' imprisonment, on charges of carrying out activities or making written statements or speeches that expose Syria to the risk of hostile operations.
Husam Mulhim, Tareq Al-Ghorani, Ayham Saqr, Allam Fakhour Maher Ibrahim Isber, Omar Al-Abdullah, and Diab Siriyeh were all arrested between 26 January 2006 and 18 March 2006 by Syrian Air Force Intelligence.
They have been detained incommunicado, denied access to their lawyers and prohibited from having any contact with their families. They have reportedly also been subjected to torture and ill-treatment while detained. These seven human rights defenders have been targeted as a result of their peaceful and legitimate activities in defense of human rights and democracy.
For further information follow the link to read Amnesty International's report in
EnglishESP: Para más información acerca de este tema, lea el informe de Amnistía Internacional en
Tareq Al-Ghorani, Associate Engineer (21)
Omar Ali Al-Abdullah (21), a second-year Philosophy student at Damascus University. He is the son of released prisoner of conscience Ali Al-Abdullah and brother of released prisoner of conscience Muhammad Al-Abdullah.
Allam Fakhour (29), undergraduate Fine Arts (Sculpture) student, Faculty of Arts, Damascus University.
Ayham Al-Saqr (30), worked in a beauty salon
Husam Ali Al-Mulhim (22), a student in the Faculty of Law at Damascus University, where he also organised poetry readings.
Diab Siriyeh (21), student.
Maher Isber Ibrahim (26), small business owner.